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Heleww...Im Hepooh,loved by someone 11s =) hahaha...Soo..Hope you will enjoy viewing my blog... You can also chat in my chatroom below on the right side of this blog...

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Harap-harap perkara ini tak akan berlaku lagi, bah yo... nanti jangan buat me cane lagi eyh... buat me heart attack saja bh kamu a... ermmm,, tahniah a buat kamu2 yg telah memplanning buat cne a.... cuba th klu kn mmplan atu tempat yg ada makanan kah, ane lapas me takjut atu nda ada papa,, 8les minuman kah,,, haha,, mau tia lagi,,, FYI, so far so good lh msih BP me, alhmdulillah jua, boleh lgi kana kajutkn ne... hehehe... (jgn ko ketawa Nazih), ane semua angkara kau ne hahaha... sian nazih crina...huhuhuh... to rina n hjh BIBAH, thank a pasal bawa cheepoh balik ke BEGAWAN, haha, Happy jua me tuh,,,

special note: Chepooh me masa ne happy ya, senyum2 ya smalm puas hati ya tuh hahaha,,, shukaaa ya diaa,,,, luve yaaa beri2 much bebeh...

sampai sini th dulu a... inda me ada idea lagi afta kajutan atu,,, semalam me kajut gileeerrrr,,,, bida muka meee... wuuuuu,,, don like eyh...